Business area

B2B, Consulting, Digital commerce


Adobe Commerce, Akeneo





A Strategic Roadmap

As a manufacturing company, Goodridge wanted to explore the opportunities and challenges in launching its own eCommerce platform. And being relatively new to eCommerce, Goodridge needed to understand how an eCommerce solution would impact the business—from organisational change to its customer experience. Getting a comprehensive view of the business case, dependencies and constraints was necessary for the company to be able to map out its requirements and expected outcomes. Vaimo partnered with Goodridge to define its strategy and roadmap for embarking on this programme of digital transformation.

Digital Maturity Wheel
Ecommerce solutions Vaimo



The Solution

A Digital Vision

To gain a thorough insight into Goodridge’s business model and digital readiness, Vaimo initiated its innovative Digital Maturity Assessment—a twelve-stage model that incorporates onsite interview and information gathering to determine the digital maturity of a company. Vaimo performed the Digital Maturity Assessment with Goodridge’s Italian, UK and US divisions for a holistic view of the company. Based on the findings from the assessment, Vaimo worked with Goodridge’s Executive Team to define its digital vision and digital success factors, taking into account the company’s capability levels. The project then also identified gaps and addressed each of these by ‘priority’, ‘resources’ and ‘impact’ so that Goodridge was armed with a watertight roadmap in moving forward.


  • Digital Maturity Assessment
  • Onsite interviews
  • Inspirational workshops
  • Executive workshops
  • Digital Strategy
  • Digitalisation roadmap

Outcomes & Results

  • A comprehensive understanding of what, why and how Goodridge should proceed with its digitalisation journey
  • Alignment of stakeholders internally around a unified digital vision for the company
  • A pragmatic roadmap for project and activities, including timing and dependencies
Ecommerce Goodridge

Vaimo, with a careful and professional analysis of our resources, has allowed us to understand precisely at what level our project was sustainable, saving time and money in activities that we would not have been able to manage otherwise.

Damiano Lo Giudice

Head of Performance and Motorsport EMEA&A

Looking to transform your digital capabilities, but not sure where to start?

Vaimo's Strategy and Consulting Team acts as a trailblazer for your business, guiding you through new territories so that you reach and exceed your business goals. Combining the best in business insight and digital enablement, we make sure that you are equipped to tackle your digital challenges head-on.

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