Go composable with Vaimo and commercetools

Commercetools offers a comprehensive suite of cloud-native and API-first ecommerce solutions designed to provide you with the tools you need to succeed in the digital commerce landscape. The robust commercetools ecommerce engine is headless, API-first, and developer-friendly, with a wide range of modular services.

Vaimo, a commercetools gold solution partner, works with commercetools to build composable ecommerce solutions with flexibility, high scalability, and unparalleled performance. With a modular approach to architecture, you can easily deliver consistent shopping experiences across multiple channels, including web, mobile, social media, and more.


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What’s a component-based solution?

The key features of the commercetools platform

Headless architecture means you get a separate frontend from the backend, which allows you to create custom and optimized user experiences across various channels.

An API-first approach provides comprehensive and well-documented APIs that enable seamless integration with third-party applications and services.

The platform offers a wide range of modular services, such as product catalogs, shopping carts, order management, pricing, and promotions, each designed to be independent and easily combined to create a tailored ecommerce solution.

The commercetools platform is built on a cloud-native architecture, ensuring high scalability, flexibility, and performance for businesses to handle varying levels of traffic and growing demands.

Commercetools supports multi-region setups and multiple currencies, which allows you to expand globally and offer localized shopping experiences to your customers worldwide.

The platform caters to both B2C and B2B commerce scenarios, providing you with tailored solutions for various business models and industries.

Commercetools empowers you to deliver consistent shopping experiences across multiple channels, including web, mobile, social media, voice commerce, and IoT devices.

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The Vaimo PIM Connector for Akeneo and commercetools

Harness the power of composable commerce with Vaimo’s microservice, the Vaimo Product Information Management (PIM) Connector for Akeneo and commercetools. This tool simplifies data migration between Akeneo and commercetools, two of the market’s fastest-growing systems.

Learn about our PIM Connector »

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The commercetools accelerator, powered by Vaimo

The commercetools accelerator, powered by Vaimo Launchpad, is an accelerator package using the commercetools platform to help you take your composable strategy to market fast. It’s built through an agile approach with a pre-set configurable baseline that allows for a unified offering from commercetools and Vaimo at a market-competitive cost.

Read about the commercetools accelerator »

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Vaimo has established itself as one of the leaders in the ecommerce arena and recognizes the importance of composable commerce. By combining the commercetools MACH platform with Vaimo’s strategy, planning, and development expertise, we’re able to provide excellent customer experiences for B2C and B2B merchants.”

Dirk Weckerlei, Global VP Channel & Alliances, commercetools

How Vaimo can help

As a commercetools gold solution partner, we are dedicated to helping you successfully implement and leverage the commercetools platform to achieve your business goals. Here’s how we work with you to implement the commercetools platform:

  • We work to understand your current ecommerce setup, your business needs, and your future growth plans.
  • We define a detailed plan, a migration process, integration points, and a timeline.
  • We integrate the commercetools platform with any existing or new systems, such as CRM, ERP, or other third-party tools.
  • We develop or integrate a headless frontend for your ecommerce solution and ensure it is optimized to deliver a superior user experience.
  • We provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure a smooth commerce operation at all times.

Are you ready to accelerate your innovation with a thoroughly modern ecommerce platform? Talk to our experts today.

Talk to us today »

Reach out to our experts at Vaimo

Let’s discuss how commercetools platform can take your business to the next level.

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