Business area

B2B, B2C, Digital commerce


Adobe Commerce, Klevu, Yotpo, Zendesk




Consumer goods, Retail, Wholesale

The Challenges

Since the winter darkness brings peak lighting sales, LSE Retail wanted their brand sites: Iconic Lights, MiniSun Trade, and Value Lights to perform at their best when it mattered most. This goal meant updating their sites to Adobe Commerce Cloud in time for the sales season.

LSE’s team had two primary goals for their new ecommerce sites: grow their competitive advantage further and achieve a large ROI. After examining their needs, the anticipated price, and the time until they see results, LSE chose Adobe Commerce Cloud where stock features guaranteed a boost in conversions. LSE needed a full-service omnichannel partner with strong knowledge of ecommerce plugins to ensure their competitive advantage.

lse retail & vaimo
lse retail & vaimo


Revenue increase


User increase


Average Session Duration increase


Conversion Rate increase


Organic Search increase

The solution

Multi-site, multi-partner, multi-level growth

Before the launch, Vaimo helped LSE form a well-articulated project roadmap, produce a large-scale M2 build, and find additional partners—Klevu, Yotpo, Klarna, Freshrelevance, Ometria, and Paypal—to put LSE ahead of the competition. LSE felt that they could build a brand with Vaimo and form a long-term partnership. While a jump to Adobe Commerce gave LSE a predictable boost, the use of plugins allowed them to lead their industry.

Vaimo put forward quality partners, such as Yotpo, Freshrelevance, and Klevu to improve LSE’s brands across channels. For example, Klevu operates across the sites. Besides the immediate benefits, Klevu’s AI gets stronger over time and allows LSE to analyse customer queries and adapt their content to improve the overall customer journey and experience. With best-of-breed integrations, LSE can rely on continuous development and optimisation in the future.

“By dint of our own success, we became more ambitious and had more needs and wants. Strategically, Vaimo helped us identify new opportunities and collaborated with us to reach our desired results.”

Simon Haughton, Marketing Director

An seamless omnichannel experience

The popularity of online shopping continues to grow and LSE continues to see strong growth. LSE saw an uptick in mobile conversions and the desire for self-service through click and collect. LSE is working with Vaimo and its ecommerce partners to give them the seamless omnichannel experience that shoppers expect.

While the results speak for themselves, they represent only the tip of the iceberg. LSE has a lot more to get out of their new ecommerce sites, including improvements in site performance, site optimizations, mobile-first thinking, and on-site conversion rates. This goal means working further with Vaimo to take full advantage of Adobe Commerce Cloud and their ecommerce plugins.

LSE Retail Group

Notable new features & system integrations:

  • Yotpo
  • Klevu Search
  • Click & Collect
  • Loqate address finder
  • Klarna
  • Freshrelevance
  • Ometria
  • Paypal
  • Amazon pay

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