DIBS recently published “Nordic E-commerce Report 2017,” a report that shares statistics and offers a comprehensive view of the current state of eCommerce and digital shopping behaviour (when it comes to Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland). The report was composed based on 7000 interviews with shoppers in the Nordic countries, data based on transactions with thousands of online stores connected to DIBS, and advice from DIBS eCommerce experts.

The report provides:

  • information about a total turnover of 42 billion euros for Nordic eCommerce in 2017
  • trade specific information about goods, services and travel within eCommerce distribution
  • a look at consumer trends within certain age groups and family situations
  • the preferred payment methods within different Nordic countries

The report also includes case studies with BOOM Watches, MyPosture, Onepiece, and Gugguu. DIBS sectioned the report into reviews of Nordic eCommerce overall, with detailed pieces about trends, payment methods, saved cards, Nordic consumers, mobile, foreign trade, and a look at the future by Patrik Müller. Then the report goes over the market, consumers, commerce, and online payments for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland individually. 

Here’s just a few tidbits of Nordic eCommerce info derived from the report:

  • 94% of Danes have used card payment on the internet in the last 3 months
  • 43% of Finns prefer online banking to card payments
  • 49% of Norwegians would like to avoid entering their card details every time they shop online

Find your copy of DIBS’ online report here (in English), and contact us if you have questions about how to start your own eCommerce journey!