Business area

B2C, Data management, Digital commerce, Experience design, PIM


Adobe Commerce, Akeneo





A Scalable Ecommerce Solution

Momentum entered the online marketplace 7 years before it first contacted Vaimo South Africa about an online store. The company’s previous online solution didn’t allow customers to track orders and single orders would often arrive in several separate deliveries (with individual delivery fees) because of multiple product suppliers. The site lacked transparency, user-friendliness and basic functionality, such as an out-of-stock indicator. Momentum wanted to start promoting its Multiply programme online which presented a whole set of new challenges. Given the program’s different membership types, spend limits and the presence of sole and joint accounts, the company needed a scalable and adaptable solution—one that had the sophistication to meet the inbuilt complexities of the programme.

Vaimo Multiply ecommerce
Vaimo Multiply ecommerce

Improved features

For customers

The Solution

Streamlined User Experiences

Vaimo constructed a solution that provides a streamlined, user-friendly experience for Multiply customers with features such as a wish list, consolidated deliveries, product reviews and customer reviews. Customers have the ability to see discounts available for accounts with different price points, and personal savings are also readily viewable and always current. Plus, Multiply staff can now easily update content and banners on their website without having to turn to an external party for assistance. Vaimo also developed functionalities around managing and tracking customer spend levels in accordance with the different tiers of Multiply membership.

Features Implemented

  • Single Sign-On (with OAuth) with family members linking
  • Spend limits
  • Price Matrix (unique price per brand per customer group based on catalogue price rules)
  • Warehouse integration (ParcelNinja)
  • Measurement of family spend to account for spend limits
  • Voucher exports (Email, FTP, API)
  • Physical and virtual products
  • Product and stock import per supplier via SFTP
  • Slave database for BI reports

A Partnership for Success

Momentum chose to work with Vaimo due to its strong record of delivering digital commerce success for its clients. From the number of qualified developers to the high level of in-house knowledge and experience, Momentum recognised that Vaimo had the resources and know-how to develop and strengthen their eCommerce offerings. In terms of delivery, Momentum has noted that the Vaimo team is always available and ready to assist whenever necessary, offering insightful expertise at every stage of the project.

Vaimo Multiply ecommerce

Vaimo guided us through our options at the very beginning and found the best solution for us. We feel very good knowing that any time we need assistance, we have the most knowledgeable eCommerce solution experts available to us.

Saray Khumalo

Head: Member & Partner Interaction, Client Engagement Solutions

The Ultimate Customer Experience

Momentum is constantly looking at ways that it can grow the business and offer better experiences for customers on the Multiply programme. There are a number of features that Momentum will be implementing to achieve this goal. This includes a new cashback model in which customers can earn cashback to spend at Multiply’s partner stores. Elsewhere, Momentum is looking to implement Akeneo Product Information Management (PIM) and Magento OMS in order to more efficiently manage and handle its large and diverse product list. Momentum will continue to work closely with Vaimo to provide customers with the best service and experience possible.

Vaimo Multiply ecommerce

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