We are very pleased to announce that three Vaimo clients picked up awards at the recent annual Baltic E-Commerce UX Summit.

Kaubamaja  won in the ‘General Department Store’ category, Klick was voted as best in ‘Home appliances, Hi-fi & Video’ and Selver scooped the top spot in the ‘Food & Drinks’ segment. And if that wasn’t enough, Selver also went home with the ‘People’s Choice award’, signalling the supermarket’s strong commitment to its loyal customers.

Learn how Selver has incorporated innovative eCommerce features with Vaimo’s help to transform cross-channel customer experiences and sales. And hear about the store’s new distribution centre  which is revolutionising its packing and logistics processes.


Hosted in Tallinn, Estonia, the Baltic E-Commerce UX Summit celebrates the very best in omnichannel customer experiences, M-Commerce and payment solutions. Over 100 entries were received across 14 categories with entrants judged on key criteria including user experience across platforms, design, customer service, security of site and speed. The Summit also featured a number of presentations from leading minds around trending topics in the UX space.

We’re extremely proud to see our clients recognised for providing compelling and intuitive customer experiences. We’d like to congratulate them all on this great achievement and wish them even more digital commerce success for the future.

For department store powerhouse Kaubamaja, Vaimo delivered a robust omnichannel solution which led to growth in revenue, traffic and transactions across devices. Learn more here!

At Vaimo, we work with brand, retail and manufacturer clients across the globe to accelerate online sales and grow their digital profiles. If you’d like to know how we can help you navigate your commerce challenges for maximum commerce success then contact us today!